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business opportunities

Register Your Interest for a Rivendell Business Opportunity

While Rivendell's planners are doing everything possible to facilitate residents operating their own businesses, there are also a number of specific business opportunities being created.

If you would you like to be considered for one of these business opportunities, please complete the following registration form and we will contact you. If you require more information, please download the Business Opportunities Overview PDF.

(Please make sure you complete the fields marked with an *, unless you have already filled out the "Register Your Interest" form, in which case simply give your first and last names).

First Name *
Last Name *
Postcode/Zip *
Country *
Daytime Telephone
Email *
Please indicate the type of business opportunity you are interested in:
Guest house
Café / restaurant / wine bar
Interpretation Centre
Corner store / organic grocery

These will be housed in Rivendell's purpose designed commercial complex - a state-of-the-art climate interactive building with parabolic trough solar collectors on the roof and lushly landscaped central atrium opening out onto the village square.

There will be several other commercial spaces for rent within this building, and residents will also be able to operate businesses from shop fronts attached to residences fronting the Village Square. Following are several business suggestions that may be viable - please tick any that interest you:

Health practitioner
Exercise studio
Gift / Book store
Craft Shop / Art Gallery
Business planning services
Accounting / Tax Services
Multi Media/ Graphic Designer
Life Coach/Personal development/Counselling services
Bed & Breakfast - Outside of the village's commercial zone there will be a limited number of licences for residents to operate Bed & Breakfast establishments from their homes.
There is also the opportunity for investment in rental property - both business and residential.

Light Industrial site opportunities:
Food processing is an ideal light industry as it can utilise the waste heat from the village's solar powered turbine and value add to produce from the Rivendell organic farm located next door.

And, there are any number of other light industries and services that would also be suitable. Please tick if either of these suggestions interest you:
Environmental Washing Products
Rent-a-Car Service
Any suggestions for other businesses not listed above?
YES, keep me up-to-date via the Rivendell email newsletter!
We respect your privacy. All details will be kept confidential and will not be passed on or disclosed to a third party.

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